Saturday, 6 June 2015

Kataphron Battle Servitor

In the darkest of futures a de-humanised cyborg killing machine rolls out of the irradiated wastes...
the breacher variant of the Adeptus Mechanicus heavy battle servitor.

At the moment I have painted just this one as a prototype (bearing in mind I'm not actually army building here) and it puts me in mind of a scene at the end of the first episode of Genesis of the Daleks, where the universe's very first dalek appears and Davros puts it through its paces. I had that sort of nostalgia, for whatever reason.

These models are a fairly involved painting project for their size. The amount of detail is phenomenal.
I went for a Tau-esque sort of brown (it's actually Citadel Skrag Brown) because I wanted a warm look but not the Mars red.
Some might see this a variation of the Ryza scheme and it's certainly similar. I'm not fussed about that so much - it's not a space marine who has to trumpet his affiliation.

Another aspect of my interpretation is I left the tiny robo-arm detail off the weapon.
I just felt the bit in question didn't add that much, it's not rules-functional detail and is delicate enough to break off should a moth even flutter in a nearby room.
I detailed the port where it would have gone as an energy bleed instead (it glows Sotek-white like the weapon and some other glow-points) and I was happy with that.

The black and white skull-in-cog symbol (there are four of them on this model) are fiddly painting and make you think about what colours are around them, but at the last I powered through them to get the model done.

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