Saturday, 25 April 2015

Skullcrusher of Khorne

I did this miniature a little while back and put pictures up somewhere else but since I lurk in this wood of the internet now I thought I should put it up with more detail.

The whole End Times thing was breaking when I did this and I had my Chaos Warriors under the brush again. Turning a purple shade of blue holding my breath about where next for fantasy…

First of all the detail is everything we can expect from GW and really they've raised the bar even since this kit came out. Here's a photo of me just scoping the chains and totems over the chainmail over the cloth on this model:

I chose to make this one unhelmeted because I have a thing going with the purple-bluish skin tone in my army and anyways the heads in this kit have a dark patrician handsomeness about them, to match their elite status I guess.

I did get carried onwards and forgot to put on the juggernaut's spiked collar ahead of the beast's head, but rather than manage it anyway - which I could easily have found a way to do - I let it go because I liked the leaner and hungrier look it give the juggernaut. In my eyes anyway.

I then got some sprue and shaped it as debris to place on the base, which I made wintery like the rest of my Chaos warriors. If memory serves, the original lord on juggernaut model, for which the mount was posed the same way as this, came with something to represent flame as the latter paws the ground in hellish agitation and blood-lust, which I thought was a nice touch. If I had that I would probably have gone with it.

So he came out thus:

I gave it multiple thin coats of darkish 'old blood' red and ruby gold to get the intensity up. The rest of my army isn't Khornate in appearance but the commonalities of colour on the blue tassels, the skin, the cloth, the base are all enough to make it cut through without it looking off-key, and give it the chill I wanted.

Hope you dig it.

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